New Venture
Inksplash is launching an exciting new venture, and we’d like to invite YOU to be part of it!
For now, the details are “top secret,” but suffice it to say that we need all hands on deck to help us prepare for liftoff.
How can you help?
We are seeking the following different types of assistance at this time. Please read each section below and select the one that describes you.
Videos will be reviewed on a first come, first served basis. If we receive multiple videos on the same topic, we will select the first received video that meets our criteria. We will cross off topics here once we have a video that satisfies each one.
Please check back often to see which topics are still available and what new topics have been added!

Current and Former Credentialed Teachers for Student Videos
If you are a current or former credentialed teacher, you can create brief instructional videos and earn money doing what you love to do while showcasing your talents. Please read the instructions below and follow as indicated to submit your videos.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you!
1. Click on a topic button below to view available skills.
2. Prepare and record a “how-to” video that is no longer than 2-4 minutes in length. The goal is to explain the concept briefly and then walk through an example that could help reinforce the concept. We are looking for teachers who are friendly and positive!!!
a. DO Make an outline before recording, so you are sure to cover the topic sufficiently. Print out any visuals you have, and make sure they are large enough for your audience to see.
b. DO Be sure to focus only on the topic at hand.
c. DO Present yourself in a setting similar to a classroom. Use a blank wall or a wipe board as your background. Do not video with personal belongings in the background, unless directly learning-related. You must be visible in the video.
d. DO Start your video with, “Hello! I’m Mr./Ms. [first name only]. Today, we’re going to take a look at [skill name]. Let’s get started!”
FOR EXAMPLE: “Hello! I’m Ms. Janice. Today, we’re going to take a look at Finding Common Denominators. Let’s get started!” [Then, present your mini lesson.] USE YOUR FIRST NAME ONLY (i.e., Ms. Janice).
e. DO End your video with, “Now, it’s time for you to give it a try!”
f. DO Dress professionally. No T-shirts, no jeans, no logos.
g. DO Use high-quality video recording settings, an external microphone if at all possible, and good lighting. If recording with your cell phone, it MUST BE HORIZONTAL when filming.
h. DO Make your video at least 2 minutes in length.
i. DON’T Wander with your explanations. Keep your explanations brief and focused on the grade level and topic at hand.
j. DON’T Exceed 4 minutes in length.
3. Click on the button below to submit your video(s). You may submit up to 5 videos at a time.
4. We will review your video(s) within approximately 7 days. If we like what we see, we will provide a letter of acceptance and pay $25 for each accepted video.
For Special Education, please choose your own skill or concept to focus on. Use your expertise to help you decide which skill or concept is in particular need of additional insight. Please name your video based on grade band (K-2, 3-5, 6-8, or 9-12) and skill or concept name.
SEASONED EDUCATORS for Professional Development Videos
If you are a seasoned educator or educational leader with experience in teacher training and mentoring, you have the expertise to offer informative videos to share professional development insights with teachers who would like to strengthen their teaching techniques and methodology. Please read the instructions below and follow as indicated to submit your video.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you!
1. Click on a topic button below to view available topics.
2. Prepare and record a video that is no longer than 2-4 minutes in length. The goal is to offer insights and clear steps or advice for the topic so that teachers can learn how to implement it in their classroom (or virtually). We are looking for educators who are energetic and engaging!
a. DO Make an outline before recording, so you are sure to cover the topic sufficiently. Print out any visuals you have, and make sure they are large enough for your audience to see. Or, you may use a screencast with your video image superimposed. Please make sure your recording quality (audio and video) is sufficient for clear video at 1920px x 1080px.
b. DO Be sure to focus only on the topic at hand.
c. DO Present yourself in a setting free of distraction, clutter, and personal objects. Use a blank wall or a wipe board as your background. Do not video with personal belongings in the background, unless directly learning-related. You must be visible in the video.
d. DO Start your video with, “Hello! My name is [first name only]. Today, I’m going to share some ideas about [topic name].”
FOR EXAMPLE: “Hello! My name is Paul. Today, I’m going to share some ideas about running effective small-group centers in your classroom.” [Then, present your insights.] USE YOUR FIRST NAME ONLY.
e. DO End your video with, “Now, it’s time for you to work through some planning on your own!”
f. DO Dress professionally. No T-shirts, no jeans, no logos.
g. DO Use high-quality video recording settings, an external microphone if at all possible, and good lighting. If recording with your cell phone, it MUST BE HORIZONTAL when filming.
h. DO Make your video at least 2 minutes in length.
i. DON’T Wander with your explanations. Keep your explanations brief and focused on the topic at hand.
j. DON’T Exceed 4 minutes in length.
3. Click on the button below to submit your video(s). You may submit up to 5 videos at a time.
4. We will review your video(s) within approximately 7 days. If we like what we see, we will provide a letter of acceptance and pay $25 for each accepted video.
If you are an academic advisor, counselor, or teacher who is also a parent, you have the knowledge, experience, and expertise to offer informative videos to share tips, ideas, and insights with parents who would like to better support their children’s educational path, both in school and at home. Please read the instructions below and follow as indicated to submit your video.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you!
1. Refer to the list below to see which topic videos we already have. If your desired topic is NOT on that list, please feel free to contact us using the form at the bottom of the page to suggest a topic for approval.
2. Consider the topic at hand and what insights you can offer parents.
3. Prepare and record a video that is no longer than 2-4 minutes in length.
a. ANSWER Please keep in mind that the target audience will be parents of children approximately ages 4-12, so be sure to tailor your response so that it is applicable to parents of children in that age range.
b. DO Dress professionally. No T-shirts, no jeans, no logos. You must be visible in the video.
c. DO Start your video with, “Hello! My name is [first name only], and today, I’m going to share some ideas about xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx].”
FOR EXAMPLE: “Hello! My name is Anne, and today, I’m going to share some ideas on helping your child follow through with homework assignments.”
d. DO End your video with, “Now, it’s time for you to work through some approaches on your own!”
e. DO Use high-quality video recording settings, an external microphone if at all possible, and good lighting. If recording with your cell phone, it MUST BE HORIZONTAL when filming.
f. DO Make your video at least 2 minutes in length.
g. DO Maintain an engaging, encouraging tone and avoid definitives, such as “You must do xxxxxx” or “The only way to handle this is xxxxx.” This should be friendly advice and insights, not forceful instructions.
h. DON’T Exceed 4 minutes in length.
4. Click on the button below to submit your video.
5. We will review your video(s) within approximately 7 days. If we like what we see, we will provide a letter of acceptance and pay $25 for each accepted video.
If you are a charasmatic type, you can create a brief informative video and earn money by sharing what you love about what you do for a living. Please read the instructions below and follow as indicated to submit your video.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you!
1. Refer to the list below to see which professions videos we already have. If your profession is NOT on that list, it’s time for you to make a video!
2. Think about what makes you excited about your profession. If you have multiple professions, please DO NOT cover multiple professions in one video. Each profession should be a separate video.
3. Prepare and record a video that is no longer than 2-4 minutes in length.
a. ANSWER Use the following questions to prompt your explanations about your profession. Please keep in mind that the target audience will be kids approximately ages 6–12, so be sure to define any acronyms or unfamiliar terms, and keep explanations simple.
>What does a _______ do?
>What training does a ______ need?
>How much schooling does a ______ need?
>What student-related skills does a _____ need? [Ex: A lot of writing, reading, math, etc.]
>What special skills does a ______ need?
>How hard is it to be a ______?
>What kind of time commitment does being a ______ require? Do you work days? Nights?
>What is the most challenging part of being a ______?
>What is the most exciting part of being a ______?
b. DO Present yourself in a setting that relates to your profession. For example, a construction worker might be dressed in construction clothes and protective helmet, and might be near a bulldozer, cement blocks, or other construction equipment or materials. Do not video with personal belongings or branding/logos in the background. You must be visible in the video.
c. DO Start your video with, “Hello! My name is [first name only], and today, I’m going to tell you what it’s like to be a [name of profession].”
FOR EXAMPLE: “Hello! My name is Anne, and today, I’m going to tell you what it’s like to be a veterinarian.”
d. DO End your video with, “Now, it’s time for you to explore on your own!”
e. DO Dress according to your profession.
f. DO Use high-quality video recording settings, an external microphone if at all possible, and good lighting. If recording with your cell phone, it MUST BE HORIZONTAL when filming.
g. DO Make your video at least 2 minutes in length.
h. DO Use profession-related props to demonstrate as needed.
i. DON’T Exceed 4 minutes in length.
4. Click on the button below to submit your video.
5. We will review your video(s) within approximately 7 days. If we like what we see, we will provide a letter of acceptance and pay $35 for each accepted video.
ballet dancer
behavior analyst
civil engineer
fashion designer
home builder
mechanical engineer
occupational therapist
real estate agent
Subject-matter Experts to Answer Cultural Questions for Kids
If you are an expert in a field that enables you to confidently and accurately explain at least one of the following questions, you can create a brief informative video and earn money by doing so. Please read the instructions below and follow as indicated to submit your video.
We appreciate your time and look forward to hearing from you!
1. Click on the questions button below to view the list of available questions.
2. Prepare and record a video that is no longer than 2-4 minutes in length.
a. EXPLAIN Use your expertise in that area to answer the question in a detailed, kid-friendly way. IF YOUR TOPIC IS POLITICALLY OR OTHERWISE CHARGED, try to respond in the most neutral possible tone.
b. DO Present yourself in a setting that either relates to the topic at hand, or use a blank wall. Do not video with personal belongings or branding/logos in the background. You must be visible in the video.
c. DO Start your video with, “Hello! My name is [first name only]. Have you ever wondered [insert question here]? Great! Let’s find out more about it.”
FOR EXAMPLE: “Hello! My name is Nathan. Have you ever wondered how the stock market works? Great! Let’s find out more about it.”
d. DO End your video with, “Now, it’s time for you to explore on your own!”
e. DO Casual attire encouraged for this video—jeans (no holes), T-shirts without logos, etc., are acceptable.
f. DO Use high-quality video recording settings, an external microphone if at all possible, and good lighting. If recording with your cell phone, it MUST BE HORIZONTAL when filming.
g. DO Make your video at least 2 minutes in length.
h. DO Use question-related props to demonstrate as needed. No logos or branding permitted in this video. Avoid the use of textbooks to illustrate.
i. DON’T Exceed 4 minutes in length.
3. Click on the button below to submit your video. You may upload up to 5 videos at a time.
4. We will review your video(s) within approximately 7 days. If we like what we see, we will provide a letter of acceptance and pay $25 for each accepted video.
Sample Videos
Here are sample videos to give you an idea of possible ways to present your ideas. Notice that tips and tricks for remembering hard-to-recall concepts are always appreciated!
- Neat, clean lines are best
- Avoid stripes
- Consider coordinating with your background color so you stand out
- Consider choosing a hairstyle that keeps hair away from your face
- Avoid hats
- Minimize any accessories that produce noise (rattling bracelets, etc.)
- If you wear glasses, check angle to avoid bad glare
- Stage presence! Portray confidence while speaking, and look directly into the camera.
- Remember to smile and project a positive tone!
- Practice running through your outline before you record. “Ums” and “Ahs” distract from the teaching moment.
- Location
- Very important! If in your home, try to find a place that creates interest. A colorful wall, sitting at a desk, or having a wipe board can add interest.
- Lighting
- Avoid harsh overhead or rear lighting, such as bright windows behind you. Reduce shadows and backlighting.
- Windows in front of you are ideal for natural lighting.
- Focus on one wall or a corner. Don’t show a whole room.
- Light should be directly in front of your computer to shine on your face. A secondary source would ideally be from the side.
- Frame
- Center yourself in the frame.
- Put camera at eye level. The ceiling should NOT be visible! Use a box or books to prop the camera up if needed.
- Only your head and shoulders should be visible. We don’t need to see from waist down unless you’re creating a video about a profession and need to show gear.
- Sound
- Use an external mic for better sound quality.
- Rugs and other fabrics can improve sound quality, too.
- Environment
- Ensure that your space is free of distraction and noise while recording.
- Final Product
- Watch your final video through before uploading. Are you happy with the view? The sound? The lesson?
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to them.
QUESTION: Which video file formats are acceptable?
ANSWER: The acceptable file types include .mp4, .MOV, .M4V. We strongly prefer HD quality or better.
QUESTION: How soon will my videos be reviewed?
ANSWER: We will try to review videos within 24 hours of submission. It may take a bit longer, though.
QUESTION: How can I increase the likelihood of acceptance of my videos?
ANSWER: Be sure to follow ALL the directions in your section. In addition, being upbeat and charismatic on camera will certainly help with appeal and interest factors.
QUESTION: What if my video runs over 4 minutes?
ANSWER: If your video runs up to 45 seconds over 4 minutes, that’s fine. Anything longer needs to be trimmed, edited, or re-recorded.
QUESTION: What if my video runs under 2 minutes?
ANSWER: It’s too short and will not be accepted.
QUESTION: I have an idea for a topic that isn’t listed here. Can I record on a different topic of my choice?
ANSWER: No. We are seeking to adhere to the topics currently provided. We know that there are many more topics and grades than those presented here. As some of these topics are fulfilled, we will be adding more topics and more grades…so keep an eye out for updates regularly!
QUESTION: I know how to use video editing software. May I use it to edit my video?
ANSWER: Yes! You are welcome to edit your video, but please make sure the transitions look natural.
QUESTION: What happens if my video is selected?
ANSWER: We will send you an invite to join our portal to sign off on an acceptance letter. The acceptance letter will include terms such as total payment being made, confirmation that we will own the rights to the video upon signature, and other legal necessities.
QUESTION: Will any of my personal information be shared now or in the future?
ANSWER: No! We will never share your personal information with any other company or with the public. Only your first name will be known through your video.
QUESTION: How soon will I get paid if my video is selected?
ANSWER: If your video is selected, you will receive an acceptance letter to sign. Once signed, payment will be made by check 15-20 days thereafter.
QUESTION: Do you have sample videos I could view to see what you’re looking for?
ANSWER: Yes! Please see above for samples. However, keep in mind that there are many different successful ways to complete one of these videos. Use your imagination and have fun!
QUESTION: Will I receive feedback on my video?
ANSWER: We may provide feedback on a case-by-case basis. Video submissions are not guaranteed to receive individual feedback.
Don’t see your question answered here? We’d be glad to hear from you! Use the form below to contact us with any questions. Please allow up to 2 business days for a response.